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Dataset Metadata

Metadata Value
Classes Corn leaf blight, Tomato Early blight leaf, Potato leaf early blight, Potato leaf late blight, Blueberry leaf, grape leaf black rot, Bell_pepper leaf spot, Cherry leaf, Peach leaf, Soyabean leaf, Strawberry leaf, Apple Scab Leaf, Corn rust leaf, Apple leaf, Corn Gray leaf spot, Tomato leaf mosaic virus, Tomato mold leaf, Tomato leaf yellow virus, Tomato leaf bacterial spot, Tomato leaf late blight, Squash Powdery mildew leaf, Bell_pepper leaf, grape leaf, Apple rust leaf, Tomato Septoria leaf spot, Tomato leaf, Raspberry leaf, Potato leaf, Tomato two spotted spider mites leaf
Machine Learning Task object_detection
Agricultural Task disease_classification
Location Worldwide
Sensor Modality RGB
Real or Synthetic real
Platform ground
Input Data Format JPG
Annotation Format coco_json
Number of Images 2346
Stats/Mean [0.477, 0.544, 0.378]
Stats/Standard Deviation [0.211, 0.204, 0.218]


Example Images for plant_doc_detection